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Is Your Country On Fire and You're Wondering What YOU can do?

Writer's picture: Saint IndustriesSaint Industries

Call your Mayors, Governors, Congressional Reps and Senators and tell them you want PCADS HALO!


PCADS HALO was developed and approved for use by USAF-AMC through a Congressionally funded collaboration between Saint Industries, Boeing C-17 Phantom Works, Wildland Fire SME's and USAF/ARMY Air Drop Test and Evaluation teams over the last 15 years and has been actively deployed in Thailand on live fires since 2017.


PCADS HALO is multiple times more affordable than all other Large and Very large airtankers (LAT/VLAT), can be deployed by over a THOUSAND Military Transport Aircraft (C-130, C-17, CH-47, CV-22) and brings the tool that can finally bombard wildfires directly en masse with water enhancers (Fire Gel) to reduce the BTUs helping the ground teams mop up.

Need for Change

In the US, the US Forest Service manages the Large Airtanker Program and has 100% failed at their mission and it's time for a change. What's the best way forward? Bring in the War Fighters to take over with Military Air Drop technology that's existed for decades but has been suppressed by these federal contracting agencies seeking to maintain power and control. PCADS HALO can be deployed when all other assets are grounded or unavailable with a vast amount of available aircraft including over 1,100 in the USAF active aircraft arsenal alone. Over 60 countries have C-130 aircraft and more have other airlifters making them fully capable of fighting their own fires without the need for special aircraft.

The Safety and Cost Difference

PCADS HALO gives states the power and capability to fight their own wildfires independently of the Forest Service using new tactics that bring the highest safety profile with no more dive bombs required, lowest cost factor using existing ANG assets without the need for modifications or retrofits and actual 24/7 and high wind capabilities.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, so why don't we at least try something new that's already been proven for years? DM for more info.

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